Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Everyone has asked so now I am answering...

The popular question to both Jason and I is...."When are you two going to start having kids?"
Typically, I just shrug and say "I don't know" or "whenever it happens" but in reality its not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes I think some women can just look at another pregnant woman and get pregnant but of course, nothing ever seems to be that simple for me. I have what is called PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).

***According to WebMD.com-Polycystic ovary syndrome (say “pah-lee-SIS-tik OH-vuh-ree SIN-drohm”) is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause upsetting changes in the way you look and problems with your periods. If it is not treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as infertility and heart disease.***

When I was 18 I went to the gynocologist because I was not having normal periods. She told me that I had PCOS and then acted like it was no big deal, so since I was only 18 and didn't know any better I believed her. BOY WAS SHE WRONG!

Now that I am older and know how to do the research it answers SO MANY QUESTIONS! PCOS can cause:
Acne (yep got that)
Weight gain and trouble losing weight (yep got that)
Thinning hair on the scalp. (that too)
Irregular periods. Often women with PCOS have fewer than 9 periods a year. Some women have no periods. (Yep)
Fertility problems. Many women with PCOS have trouble getting pregnant (DEFINITELY)

So there are a few options on how to make you have normal periods.
1)Take metformin (glucophage)
2)While taking the metformin also take Clomid (it should trick the body and make you ovulate)
3)Lose weight (see above where it says it causes trouble losing weight)

I have tried all of these to no avail. There is one other procedure where they go in and drill holes in your ovaries which is supposed to make you ovulate. I am not so sure about this one yet. It sounds weird to me.

So after all this there is the option of adoption. I have no problems with adoption. Jason's dad was adopted. I know other people that were adopted and that have adopted and they are all very happy. Our biggest problem is the cost. Yes, I know babies are expensive but that isn't all in one lump sum at one time, its kind of spread out. Where adoption would be all at once and then for the rest of the child's life. We have contacted adoptuskids.org and received information regarding adoption. I am only 26 (about to be 27) so I still have a few years left to try but if getting pregnant for a "normal" woman gets more difficult with age then the outlook isn't so bright for me.

Anyway, I wanted to share and let everyone know just what exactly is "wrong" with me and why we don't have kids yet. Jason is very understanding and he says it will happen when its meant to but I am impatient and I do get upset easily and he listens to me rant and rave and doesn't seem to mind (much).

If anyone has any advice other than "it will happen when the time is right" please feel free to share.


DykeDiva said...

I don't know about your state but here in Texas if you agree to be a foster parent first, then adopt they pay for a lot of the costs. ..just a thought you might want to look into, plus it is a lot easier to get a baby as opposed to an older child. Just a thought. . .I'm going through some similar things. . .

Melinda said...

I do not have any magic advice, or you know I would have already given it to you, but I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and Jason. I can't say that I understand what you are going through, I can relate to the "wanting to have a baby" part. I have baby fever right now so bad it's crazy, but I know that God has a special plan in place for both of us. Please remember that I am here anytime you need to talk.